At the end of most years certain areas in Grand Teton National Park and the National Elk Refuge are opened to conduct a highly regulated hunting season for Elk and Bison. The hunting seasons are a tool that wildlife managers use to control Elk and Bison populations that are using Jackson Hole. At this time of year it is not uncommon to see a harvested Elk or Bison in the back of a pick up truck during a wildlife safari. However, it is uncommon to actually see a hunter fire a shot and drop an animal in front of your tour group. Today we witnessed a hunter shoot and kill a Bison along Gros Ventre River Rd. The Bison had been shot and wounded earlier in the day and had wandered out of the area open to hunting. The hunter was given special permission to finish the animal outside of the hunt area. A small crowd formed along the road and then a loud crack was followed by a Bison kneeling and finally collapsing on the snow covered ground. In the minutes after the shot many of the other Bison came up to their fallen relative and smelled her body, a calf seemed particularly interested in what had happened, perhaps her own calf? Were they mourning or just confused by strange event that was unfolding? This is a picture taken about a minute after the shot, and captures the essence of the confusion. I liked it best with an oil paint effect.